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Dr. Edward Boshnick with Scleral Lenses for Sjogren's Syndrome
August 3, 2023

Sjogren’s Syndrome and Vision: How Dr. Edward Boshnick’s Scleral Lenses are Changing Lives


Sjogren’s Syndrome is a complex condition that often leads to dry eyes, impacting the quality of life for those affected. This comprehensive guide explores the innovative solution of scleral lenses, specifically focusing on Dr. Edward Boshnick’s expertise in this field. From understanding Sjogren’s Syndrome and its symptoms to the transformative power of scleral lenses, this article provides a roadmap for those seeking relief and improved vision.

Key Takeaways

  1. Understanding Sjogren’s Syndrome: An in-depth look at what Sjogren’s Syndrome is, its symptoms, causes, and diagnosis. Knowledge is power, and understanding this condition is the first step towards effective management.

  2. Scleral Lenses as a Solution: Exploration of scleral lenses as a revolutionary solution for dry eyes associated with Sjogren’s Syndrome. These lenses provide continuous moisture, comfort, and improved vision.

  3. Dr. Edward Boshnick’s Expertise: Highlighting Dr. Edward Boshnick’s pioneering work in the field of scleral lenses. His expertise and innovation are changing lives.

  4. Getting and Fitting Scleral Lenses: A step-by-step guide to getting and fitting scleral lenses, emphasizing the importance of expert guidance, customization, and ongoing care.

  5. Maintenance and Longevity: Insights into the proper care, replacement, and longevity of scleral lenses. Proper maintenance ensures that these lenses continue to provide transformative benefits.

  6. Regular Monitoring: Emphasizing the importance of regular appointments with an eye doctor to ensure the ongoing success of scleral lenses. Regular monitoring is a partnership for ongoing comfort and vision.

  7. Empowerment through Information: This guide empowers those with Sjogren’s Syndrome with the information and resources needed to explore scleral lenses as a life-changing solution. Explore Eye Freedom’s comprehensive care and take control of your eye health.

This Overview and Takeaways section provides a concise summary of the article’s content, highlighting the key aspects and insights. It serves as both an introduction to the topic and a quick reference guide for readers. If you have any further requests or adjustments, please let me know!

What is Sjogren’s Syndrome?

Introduction to Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the glands responsible for producing tears and saliva. This condition leads to dryness in the eyes and mouth, but its impact goes far beyond mere discomfort. It’s a complex syndrome that can have wide-ranging effects on various parts of the body.

Understanding Autoimmune Disorders

In a healthy immune system, the body’s defenses recognize and attack foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. In autoimmune disorders like Sjogren’s Syndrome, the immune system mistakenly targets the body’s tissues. It’s akin to a security system that turns on the homeowner instead of the intruder.

The Immune Response in Sjogren’s Syndrome

In Sjogren’s Syndrome, the immune system targets the glands that produce tears and saliva, known as the lacrimal and salivary glands. This attack leads to inflammation and damage, resulting in decreased fluid production. The lack of tears and saliva causes the characteristic dryness associated with the syndrome.

The Impact on Daily Life

Living with Sjogren’s Syndrome is like facing a daily battle with your own body. The dryness in the eyes and mouth can lead to constant discomfort, affecting every aspect of daily life.

Dry Eyes

The lack of tears leads to a gritty, burning sensation in the eyes. Simple tasks like reading, watching TV, or even blinking can become painful. Over time, the dryness can lead to damage to the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye.

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth affects more than just the ability to enjoy food and drink. It can lead to difficulty speaking, changes in taste, and recurrent mouth infections. Saliva plays a crucial role in digestion and dental health, and the lack of it can have far-reaching consequences.

Associated Conditions

Sjogren’s Syndrome often doesn’t come alone. It can be associated with other autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. These connections compound the challenges faced by those with the condition.

Primary vs. Secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome can be classified into two types:

  • Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome: This occurs when Sjogren’s is the only autoimmune disorder present.
  • Secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome: This occurs when Sjogren’s is associated with another autoimmune disorder, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Conclusion: A Complex Condition

Sjogren’s Syndrome is more than just dry eyes and mouth; it’s a complex condition that requires a comprehensive understanding. From the underlying autoimmune response to the wide-ranging effects on daily life, Sjogren’s Syndrome is a multifaceted disorder that impacts millions of people worldwide.

By understanding the full scope of the syndrome, those affected can take proactive steps toward managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life. Innovations like Dr. Edward Boshnick’s Scleral Lenses offer hope and relief, providing a new perspective on comfort and clarity for those struggling with this syndrome.

Symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome

Introduction to Symptoms

The symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome are as varied as the individuals it affects. While dry eyes and mouth are the hallmark symptoms, the syndrome can manifest in many other ways, affecting various parts of the body. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for diagnosis and management.

Dry Eyes

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eyes are more than just an inconvenience for those with Sjogren’s Syndrome; they can be a source of constant discomfort and even pain.

The Feeling of Dry Eyes

Imagine the feeling of sand in your eyes, every time you blink. That’s the reality for many with Sjogren’s Syndrome. The lack of tears leads to a gritty, burning sensation that can make everyday tasks a challenge.

The Impact on Vision

Dry eyes can also affect vision. Tears are essential for maintaining a clear optical surface, and the lack of them can lead to blurred vision. In severe cases, chronic dryness can cause damage to the cornea, leading to permanent vision impairment.

Treatment Options

Treatment for dry eyes may include artificial tears, prescription medications, or even specialized contact lenses like Scleral Lenses, which provide a reservoir of moisture for the eyes.

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth is another characteristic symptom of Sjogren’s Syndrome, but its impact goes far beyond mere discomfort.

Difficulty in Swallowing and Speaking

Without enough saliva, swallowing food becomes a challenge, and speaking may be painful. The lack of moisture can affect the ability to taste food, diminishing the enjoyment of eating.

Dental Health

Saliva plays a vital role in dental health, helping to wash away food particles and prevent tooth decay. A dry mouth can lead to increased cavities and gum disease.

Treatment Options

Treatment for dry mouth may include sipping water regularly, using a humidifier, or using specialized products designed to replace or stimulate saliva.

Other Systemic Symptoms

Sjogren’s Syndrome can also cause symptoms in other parts of the body, reflecting its nature as a systemic condition.

Joint Pain and Stiffness

Joint pain and stiffness can be a significant issue, affecting mobility and quality of life. This can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and swelling.


A persistent feeling of tiredness and lack of energy can be a debilitating symptom of Sjogren’s Syndrome. It can affect the ability to work, socialize, and enjoy hobbies.

Skin Dryness

The skin may become dry, itchy, and prone to rashes. Regular moisturization and gentle skincare can help manage this symptom.

Conclusion: A Multifaceted Presentation

The symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome are multifaceted and can significantly impact daily life. From the constant discomfort of dry eyes and mouth to systemic symptoms like joint pain and fatigue, the syndrome presents a complex picture.

Understanding these symptoms is the first step toward effective management. With the right care, including innovative solutions like Dr. Edward Boshnick’s Scleral Lenses, those with Sjogren’s Syndrome can find relief and regain control over their lives.

Causes of Sjogren’s Syndrome

Introduction to Causes

The exact cause of Sjogren’s Syndrome remains a mystery, but researchers believe it’s a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Understanding these underlying causes is like piecing together a complex puzzle, with each piece providing insight into this multifaceted condition.

Genetic Factors

Genetics play a significant role in Sjogren’s Syndrome. It’s like inheriting a key that fits into a specific lock, making certain individuals more susceptible to the condition.

Genetic Predisposition

Certain genes may predispose individuals to develop Sjogren’s Syndrome. If a family member has the condition, the risk may be higher. However, having these genes doesn’t mean a person will definitely develop the syndrome; it merely increases the likelihood.

Research into Genetic Links

Ongoing research is exploring the specific genetic links associated with Sjogren’s Syndrome. Understanding these genetic factors could lead to new diagnostic tools and targeted treatments.

Environmental Triggers

Environmental factors act as the catalyst that turns the key, triggering the immune response leading to Sjogren’s Syndrome.


Infections with specific viruses or bacteria may trigger the immune response that leads to Sjogren’s Syndrome. It’s like lighting a fuse that sets off a chain reaction, resulting in the immune system attacking the body’s tissues.

Other Environmental Factors

Other factors such as stress, exposure to toxins, or hormonal changes may also play a role in triggering Sjogren’s Syndrome. The interplay between these factors and genetic predisposition creates a complex picture that researchers are still working to understand.

Hormonal Influences

Some studies suggest that hormonal factors may play a role in Sjogren’s Syndrome. This connection provides another piece of the puzzle.

Gender Differences

Sjogren’s Syndrome is more common in women, particularly during times of hormonal change such as menopause. This gender difference points to a potential hormonal influence in the development of the syndrome.

Hormonal Therapies

Understanding the hormonal influences on Sjogren’s Syndrome could lead to new treatment approaches, such as hormonal therapies. This is an area of active research and holds promise for future advancements in care.

Conclusion: A Complex Interplay

The causes of Sjogren’s Syndrome are complex and multifaceted. Like a puzzle with many pieces, the interplay between genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and hormonal influences creates a picture that is still coming into focus.

Understanding these underlying causes is essential for developing targeted treatments and personalized care plans. With ongoing research and innovations like Dr. Edward Boshnick’s Scleral Lenses, the future holds promise for a deeper understanding and more effective management of Sjogren’s Syndrome.

How is Sjogren’s Syndrome Diagnosed?

Introduction to Diagnosis

Diagnosing Sjogren’s Syndrome is like solving a complex riddle. It requires a thorough understanding of the symptoms, a series of specialized tests, and often collaboration between different healthcare specialists. Here’s how this intricate process unfolds:

Clinical Evaluation

The journey to diagnosis begins with a detailed medical history and physical examination.

Understanding Symptoms

The doctor will ask about symptoms, family history, and any associated conditions. This conversation is the first step in unraveling the mystery of Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Physical Examination

A physical examination may reveal signs of dryness in the eyes and mouth, joint inflammation, or other indicators of the syndrome.

Blood Tests

Blood tests provide valuable clues in the diagnosis of Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Specific Antibodies

Certain antibodies, such as anti-SSA and anti-SSB, are often found in people with Sjogren’s Syndrome. Detecting these antibodies can be a key piece of evidence in the diagnosis.

Other Blood Markers

Other blood tests may reveal markers that indicate an autoimmune disorder, such as increased levels of inflammation or specific immune proteins.

Eye Tests

Diagnosing Sjogren’s Syndrome requires a close look at the eyes.

Schirmer’s Test

This test measures tear production by placing a small strip of paper under the lower eyelid. Reduced tear production is a sign of Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Advanced Imaging

Advanced technologies like Visante Optical Coherence Tomography provide detailed images of the eyes, aiding in the diagnosis and understanding of the dryness and damage.

Salivary Gland Tests

The salivary glands are often affected in Sjogren’s Syndrome, and specialized tests can provide insights into their function.

Salivary Flow Test

This test measures the amount of saliva produced over a specific time. Reduced saliva flow can be indicative of Sjogren’s Syndrome.


In some cases, a biopsy of a salivary gland may be performed to look for inflammation and damage characteristic of the syndrome.

Collaborative Care

Diagnosis often involves collaboration between different specialists, such as rheumatologists, ophthalmologists, and dentists.

The Team Approach

This team approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the condition and a personalized care plan. It’s like assembling a team of detectives, each with their unique expertise, to solve the complex riddle of Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Conclusion: A Comprehensive Process

Diagnosing Sjogren’s Syndrome is a comprehensive and multifaceted process. From the initial conversation with the doctor to specialized tests and collaborative care, each step provides valuable insights into this complex condition.

With the right diagnosis, those affected can explore treatment options, including innovative solutions like Dr. Edward Boshnick’s Scleral Lenses, and take control of their symptoms.

How do you Treat Sjogren’s Syndrome?

Introduction to Treatment

Treating Sjogren’s Syndrome is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires a personalized plan that addresses the unique symptoms and challenges faced by each individual. Think of it as tailoring a suit; each treatment must be customized to fit perfectly.

Symptomatic Relief

The primary goal of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms of dryness in the eyes and mouth.

For Dry Eyes

Scleral lenses over eyes.

  • Artificial Tears: Over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief.
  • Prescription Medications: Certain medications can stimulate tear production.
  • Scleral Lenses: These specialized lenses, such as those offered by Dr. Edward Boshnick, provide a reservoir of moisture for the eyes.

For Dry Mouth

  • Saliva Substitutes: Products designed to replace or stimulate saliva can be helpful.
  • Good Oral Hygiene: Regular dental care is essential to prevent cavities and gum disease.

Managing Associated Symptoms

Sjogren’s Syndrome can affect other parts of the body, and treatment must address these associated symptoms.

For Joint Pain

  • Pain Relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers can ease joint pain and stiffness.
  • Physical Therapy: Exercises and stretching can improve mobility and reduce discomfort.

For Fatigue

  • Lifestyle Changes: Adequate rest, a balanced diet, and stress management can help manage fatigue.
  • Consultation with a Specialist: In some cases, working with a specialist in chronic fatigue may be beneficial.

Immune Modulating Therapies

Since Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder, treatments that modulate the immune system may be part of the care plan.

Immunosuppressive Medications

These medications reduce the immune system’s attack on the body’s tissues, potentially alleviating symptoms.

Biologic Therapies

Newer biologic therapies target specific parts of the immune system and may offer more targeted treatment options.

Collaborative Care Approach

Treating Sjogren’s Syndrome often requires collaboration between various healthcare providers.

A Team of Specialists

A team of specialists, including rheumatologists, ophthalmologists, dentists, and others, work together to provide comprehensive care.

Regular Monitoring

Regular appointments and monitoring are essential to track progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Conclusion: A Personalized Approach

Treating Sjogren’s Syndrome requires a personalized and comprehensive approach. From symptomatic relief to immune modulation and collaborative care, each aspect of treatment is tailored to the individual’s unique needs.

With innovative solutions like Dr. Edward Boshnick’s Scleral Lenses and a team of dedicated specialists, those with Sjogren’s Syndrome can find relief and regain control over their lives.

Scleral Lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome

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This video shows Dr. Edward Boshnick doing an online presentation to patients and doctors all over the world about the work we do with scleral lenses and the many patients whose lives have been changed with this amazing technology.

Introduction to Scleral Lenses

Scleral Lenses are a revolutionary solution for those suffering from dry eyes due to Sjogren’s Syndrome. Think of them as a soothing oasis for the eyes, providing continuous moisture and comfort.

What are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral Lenses are large-diameter contact lenses that rest on the sclera, the white part of the eye. Unlike regular contact lenses, they create a reservoir of fluid that continuously bathes the eye.

The Design of Scleral Lenses

The unique design of Scleral Lenses allows them to vault over the cornea, creating a space filled with saline solution. This space keeps the eye moist and protected, like a protective shield.


Scleral Lenses are customized to fit each individual’s eyes. This customization ensures optimal comfort and effectiveness. It’s like having a suit tailored to fit you perfectly; the lenses are designed to match the unique contours of your eyes.

Dr. Edward Boshnick: A Scleral Lenses Expert


Dr. Edward Boshnick is a pioneer in the field of Scleral Lenses, providing life-changing solutions for those with Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Expertise and Innovation

With years of experience and a commitment to innovation, Dr. Boshnick offers specialized lenses, including Wavefront Scleral Lenses, designed to meet the unique needs of those with dry eyes.

Comprehensive Care

Dr. Boshnick’s approach goes beyond merely prescribing lenses. He provides comprehensive care, ensuring that each patient receives the optimal solution for their specific condition.

Benefits of Scleral Lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome

Scleral Lenses offer numerous benefits for those with Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Continuous Moisture

The continuous reservoir of moisture provided by Scleral Lenses alleviates the dryness and discomfort associated with Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Improved Vision

By maintaining a clear optical surface, Scleral Lenses can improve vision, providing clarity and sharpness.


Scleral Lenses act as a protective barrier, shielding the eyes from environmental irritants and potential damage.

Conclusion: A Transformative Solution

Scleral Lenses represent a transformative solution for those with Sjogren’s Syndrome. With the expertise of specialists like Dr. Edward Boshnick, these lenses offer hope, comfort, and improved quality of life.

Whether you’re struggling with the daily discomfort of dry eyes or seeking a protective solution, Scleral Lenses provide a path to relief. Explore Eye Freedom’s Scleral Lenses to discover how this innovative approach can change your life.

How Can I Get Scleral Lenses for My Sjogren’s Syndrome?

Inserting Scleral Lenses

Introduction to the Process

Getting scleral lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome is a journey towards comfort and improved quality of life. It’s a process that requires expert guidance, precise fitting, and ongoing care. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this path.

Step 1: Consultation with an Expert

Your journey begins with a consultation with a scleral lens expert like Dr. Edward Boshnick.

Understanding Your Needs

The expert will evaluate your symptoms, understand your specific needs, and determine if scleral lenses are the right solution for you.

Comprehensive Eye Examination

A thorough eye examination will assess the health of your eyes and provide the necessary information for customizing the lenses.

Step 2: Custom Fitting

Scleral lenses are not off-the-shelf products; they are tailored to fit your eyes perfectly.

Measurements and Mapping

Using advanced technology like Eye Print Pro, the expert will take precise measurements and create a map of the eye’s surface.

Lens Selection

Based on the measurements, the expert will select the appropriate lens design and material to ensure optimal comfort and effectiveness.

Step 3: Trial and Adjustment

Fitting scleral lenses is an iterative process, requiring trial and adjustment.

Trial Fitting

You will try on a trial pair of lenses to assess the fit and comfort. Think of it as a dress rehearsal for your eyes.


Based on the trial, adjustments may be made to achieve the perfect fit. This fine-tuning ensures that the lenses meet your specific needs.

Step 4: Training and Education

Wearing scleral lenses requires some training and education.

Insertion and Removal

You will be taught how to insert and remove the lenses safely and effectively.

Care and Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance are essential for the longevity and effectiveness of the lenses. You’ll receive guidance on cleaning, storing, and handling the lenses.

Step 5: Ongoing Care and Monitoring

Scleral lenses are not a one-time solution; they require ongoing care and monitoring.

Regular Appointments

Regular appointments with your eye doctor, such as those offered at Eye Freedom, will ensure that the lenses continue to fit well and meet your needs.

Monitoring Eye Health

Ongoing monitoring of your eye health is essential to ensure that the lenses are not causing any issues and that your eyes remain healthy.

Conclusion: A Journey Towards Comfort

Getting scleral lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome is a journey towards comfort and improved quality of life. With expert guidance, precise fitting, and ongoing care, you can enjoy the transformative benefits of these innovative lenses.

Explore Eye Freedom’s Scleral Lenses and take the first step on this life-changing journey.

What is the Fitting Process for Scleral Lenses for People with Sjogren’s Syndrome?


YouTube player

This video shows us using an amazing technology known as “optical coherence tomography”. This technology allows us to view a cross section of an eye along with a scleral lens over the cornea. This technology allows us to measure ocular structures and also the clearance between the back surface of the scleral lens and the front surface of the cornea down to 7 microns. Incredible technology that I use multiple times every day.

Introduction to the Fitting Process

The fitting process for scleral lenses is a meticulous and personalized procedure. It’s akin to crafting a bespoke piece of art, where every detail is tailored to the individual’s unique eyes. Here’s an in-depth look at this intricate process.

Step 1: Comprehensive Eye Examination

The fitting process begins with a comprehensive eye examination.

Assessing Eye Health

The expert will assess the overall health of your eyes, looking for any underlying conditions or concerns that may impact the fitting.

Understanding Specific Needs

Understanding the specific needs related to Sjogren’s Syndrome, such as the severity of dryness, helps in customizing the lenses.

Step 2: Corneal Topography and Mapping

Precise measurements are essential for a perfect fit.

Corneal Topography

Using advanced technology like Cirrus Optical Coherence Tomographer, the expert will create a detailed map of the eye’s surface.

Scleral Mapping

Scleral mapping ensures that the lenses fit comfortably on the sclera, the white part of the eye.

Step 3: Lens Selection and Customization

The lenses are selected and customized based on the detailed measurements.

Lens Design

The design of the lenses is tailored to provide optimal comfort and effectiveness for those with Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Material Selection

The material of the lenses is chosen to ensure breathability and comfort, considering the specific needs of dry eyes.

Step 4: Trial Fitting

A trial fitting allows for fine-tuning and adjustments.

Trying on the Lenses

You will try on a trial pair of lenses to assess the initial fit and comfort.

Making Adjustments

Based on the trial fitting, adjustments may be made to achieve the perfect fit. It’s a process of refinement, ensuring that every detail is just right.

Step 5: Training and Guidance

Proper use and care of the lenses are essential for success.

Insertion and Removal Training

You’ll receive hands-on training on how to insert and remove the lenses safely.

Care Instructions

Detailed instructions on cleaning, storing, and maintaining the lenses will ensure their longevity and effectiveness.

Step 6: Ongoing Support and Monitoring

The fitting process doesn’t end with receiving the lenses; ongoing support and monitoring are vital.

Regular Check-ups

Regular check-ups with the expert, such as Dr. Edward Boshnick, ensure that the lenses continue to fit well and meet your needs.

Adjustments as Needed

As your eyes or needs change, adjustments to the lenses may be required. Ongoing support ensures that the lenses continue to provide optimal comfort and effectiveness.

Conclusion: A Personalized Art

The fitting process for scleral lenses is a personalized art, requiring expertise, precision, and ongoing support. With specialists like Dr. Edward Boshnick, you can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that every detail is tailored to your unique needs.

Explore the world of Eye Freedom’s Scleral Lenses and discover the transformative power of a perfect fit.

How Often Do I Need to Replace My Scleral Lenses if I Have Sjogren’s Syndrome? How Long Do Scleral Lenses Typically Last for People with Sjogren’s Syndrome?

Introduction to Scleral Lens Maintenance and Longevity

Scleral lenses are a valuable investment in comfort and vision for those with Sjogren’s Syndrome. Like a well-maintained car that provides reliable service, proper care and understanding of the lifespan of scleral lenses are essential. Let’s explore the maintenance, replacement, and longevity of these specialized lenses.

Maintenance of Scleral Lenses

Proper maintenance is key to the longevity and effectiveness of scleral lenses.

Daily Cleaning

Daily cleaning with the recommended solutions removes deposits and ensures clear vision.

Regular Inspection

Regular inspection for any damage or changes in the lenses helps in early detection of issues.

Proper Storage

Storing the lenses in a clean and appropriate case prevents contamination.

Replacement of Scleral Lenses

Understanding when and why to replace scleral lenses is vital for ongoing comfort and effectiveness.

Regular Replacement

Scleral lenses typically need to be replaced every 1-2 years, depending on individual factors and lens material.

Signs of Wear and Tear

If you notice changes in comfort, vision, or appearance of the lenses, it may be time for a replacement.

Consultation with an Expert

Regular consultations with a scleral lens expert like Dr. Edward Boshnick ensure that the lenses are still meeting your needs and can help determine the right time for replacement.

Longevity of Scleral Lenses

The longevity of scleral lenses depends on several factors.

Quality of Care

Proper care and maintenance can extend the life of the lenses, ensuring that they continue to provide optimal benefits.

Individual Needs and Lifestyle

Your specific needs, lifestyle, and the severity of Sjogren’s Syndrome symptoms may influence the lifespan of the lenses.

Technological Advancements

With advancements in lens technology, such as Wavefront Scleral Lenses, newer lenses may offer improved comfort and vision, prompting an update.

Conclusion: A Commitment to Care

Maintaining, replacing, and understanding the longevity of scleral lenses is a commitment to ongoing comfort and vision. With proper care, regular consultations, and an understanding of individual needs, scleral lenses can continue to provide transformative benefits for those with Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Explore Eye Freedom’s Scleral Lenses and embark on a journey of comfort and clarity, guided by experts committed to your well-being.

How Often Should I Schedule Appointments with My Eye Doctor to Monitor My Scleral Lenses if I Have Sjogren’s Syndrome?

Dr. Edward Boshnick Scleral Lenses Expert

Introduction to Monitoring Scleral Lenses

Monitoring scleral lenses is like regular check-ups for your car; it ensures everything is running smoothly and addresses any issues before they become major problems. For those with Sjogren’s Syndrome, regular appointments with an eye doctor are essential for the ongoing success of scleral lenses. Here’s why.

Why Regular Monitoring is Essential

Regular monitoring of scleral lenses serves several vital purposes.

Ensuring Proper Fit

The fit of the lenses can change over time due to natural changes in the eyes or the lenses themselves. Regular monitoring ensures that the fit remains optimal.

Assessing Eye Health

Ongoing assessment of eye health ensures that the lenses are not causing any issues and that any underlying conditions are managed effectively.

Updating Prescription

As your vision or needs change, updates to the prescription may be necessary to maintain clear and comfortable vision.

How Often to Schedule Appointments

The frequency of appointments depends on individual needs and the guidance of your eye doctor.

Initial Period

During the initial period of wearing scleral lenses, more frequent appointments may be necessary to ensure proper fit and comfort. This phase is like the break-in period for a new car, requiring closer attention.

Ongoing Monitoring

Once the lenses are well-established, ongoing monitoring typically involves regular check-ups every 6-12 months.

As Needed

Additional appointments may be necessary if you experience any issues or changes in comfort, vision, or the appearance of the lenses.

The Role of the Eye Doctor

The eye doctor, such as Dr. Edward Boshnick, plays a crucial role in the ongoing success of scleral lenses.

Expert Guidance

The eye doctor provides expert guidance, assessing the fit, comfort, and effectiveness of the lenses.

Personalized Care

Personalized care ensures that the lenses continue to meet your unique needs and address the specific challenges of Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Access to Advanced Technology

With access to advanced technology like Visante Optical Coherence Tomography, the eye doctor can provide precise assessments and adjustments.

Conclusion: A Partnership for Success

Regular appointments with your eye doctor to monitor scleral lenses are a partnership for ongoing success. It ensures that the lenses continue to provide optimal benefits, addressing any issues early, and adapting to your changing needs.

Explore Eye Freedom’s comprehensive care and embrace the confidence of knowing that your scleral lenses are in expert hands.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

  1. What is Sjogren’s Syndrome, and how does it affect the eyes? Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that often leads to dry eyes. It affects the tear glands, causing discomfort and vision problems. Learn more about the symptoms and causes here.

  2. How do scleral lenses help people with Sjogren’s Syndrome? Scleral lenses provide continuous moisture and comfort for dry eyes associated with Sjogren’s Syndrome. They are customized to fit the eye perfectly, offering improved vision. Explore Eye Freedom’s Scleral Lenses.

  3. Who is Dr. Edward Boshnick, and why is he known for scleral lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome? Dr. Edward Boshnick is a renowned expert in scleral lenses, specializing in solutions for Sjogren’s Syndrome. His innovative approach and expertise are changing lives.

  4. How can I get scleral lenses for my Sjogren’s Syndrome? Getting scleral lenses involves consultation, custom fitting, training, and ongoing care. Eye Freedom offers comprehensive guidance for those seeking scleral lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome.

  5. What is the fitting process for scleral lenses if I have Sjogren’s Syndrome? The fitting process for scleral lenses is personalized, involving detailed eye examination, corneal mapping, lens customization, trial fitting, and training. Learn more about the process here.

  6. How often do I need to replace my scleral lenses if I have Sjogren’s Syndrome? Scleral lenses typically need to be replaced every 1-2 years, depending on care and individual factors. Regular consultations with an expert like Dr. Edward Boshnick ensure optimal benefits.

  7. How long do scleral lenses last for people with Sjogren’s Syndrome? With proper care and maintenance, scleral lenses can last 1-2 years. Understanding the proper cleaning, storage, and regular check-ups extends the life of the lenses. Explore maintenance tips.

  8. How often should I see my eye doctor to monitor my scleral lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome? Regular appointments every 6-12 months, or as needed, ensure the ongoing success of scleral lenses for Sjogren’s Syndrome. Dr. Edward Boshnick provides expert monitoring and care.


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