7800 SW 87 AVE SUITE B-270 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33173

July 9, 2023

The Best Non-Surgical Keratoconus Treatment by Dr. Edward Boshnick

Overview Summary:

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of a revolutionary non-surgical treatment for keratoconus: scleral lenses. In this article, we delve into the transformative power of these innovative lenses, providing a beacon of hope for those living with keratoconus. We’ll guide you through the journey from diagnosis to transformation, introducing you to the expert behind this life-changing treatment, Dr. Edward Boshnick. Discover how scleral lenses can redefine your vision and your life.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Keratoconus: Keratoconus is an eye condition that causes the cornea to thin and bulge into a cone-like shape, leading to distorted vision.

  2. The Power of Scleral Lenses: Scleral lenses are a non-surgical treatment for keratoconus that can dramatically improve vision and quality of life. They offer a level of comfort and visual clarity often unmatched by other treatment options.

  3. Expert Care: Dr. Edward Boshnick, a leading optometrist with over 30 years of experience, specializes in the use of scleral lenses for the treatment of keratoconus.

  4. Personalized Treatment Process: At EyeFreedom, each pair of scleral lenses is customized to the individual patient’s eyes, ensuring a comfortable fit and optimal vision correction.

  5. Life-Changing Results: Scleral lenses have the power to transform lives, providing clear, comfortable vision to those living with keratoconus. They offer hope for a future where keratoconus doesn’t dictate your life.

  6. Next Steps: If you or a loved one are living with keratoconus, consider exploring the potential of scleral lenses. Contact EyeFreedom to schedule a consultation and start your journey to clearer vision.


Imagine waking up one day and seeing the world around you in a distorted, blurry haze. This is the reality for many individuals living with keratoconus, a progressive eye condition that can drastically affect one’s quality of life. But what if there was a way to regain your vision without resorting to invasive surgery?

Keratoconus is a condition where the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape. This distortion of the cornea leads to blurred vision and sensitivity to light, making everyday tasks a challenge.

But there’s hope on the horizon. In the world of optometry, advancements are being made every day, and one of the most promising developments is the use of scleral lenses for non-surgical keratoconus treatment. These specialized lenses have the potential to not only improve vision but also offer a comfortable and effective solution for those living with keratoconus.

In this article, we will delve into the world of scleral lenses, shedding light on how this innovative treatment is providing a beacon of hope for those navigating the challenges of keratoconus. Stay with us as we explore this exciting frontier in eye care, and discover how you or your loved ones can benefit from this revolutionary non-surgical keratoconus treatment.

Welcome to EyeFreedom, where we believe in empowering individuals with the freedom to see the world clearly.

What Is Keratoconus Surgery?

When living with keratoconus, it can often feel like you’re looking at the world through a warped window. This eye condition, which causes the cornea to thin and bulge into a cone-like shape, can significantly impact your vision and quality of life. For many, the journey to clearer vision leads them to consider keratoconus surgery.

Keratoconus surgery comes in various forms, each designed to address the unique challenges this condition presents. One of the most common surgical treatments is corneal cross-linking (CXL). This procedure involves applying a solution of riboflavin (vitamin B2) to the eye, followed by treatment with ultraviolet A light. The goal of CXL is to strengthen the cornea and halt the progression of keratoconus.

Another surgical option is a corneal transplant, also known as a keratoplasty. In this procedure, the damaged part of the cornea is replaced with healthy donor tissue. While this can significantly improve vision, it’s generally considered a last resort due to the risks associated with surgery and the lengthy recovery time.

There’s also the option of implanting intracorneal rings, small plastic segments inserted into the cornea to flatten its cone-like shape and improve vision. However, this procedure doesn’t stop the progression of keratoconus and may not be suitable for everyone.

While these surgical treatments can offer hope, they also come with potential risks and complications. That’s why it’s crucial to explore all available options, including non-surgical treatments like scleral lenses. At EyeFreedom, we’re committed to helping you find the best solution for your unique needs, empowering you to see the world clearly once again.

Disadvantages of Keratoconus Surgery

While surgical treatments for keratoconus can offer hope for improved vision, it’s important to understand that these procedures are not without their downsides. As with any surgery, there are potential risks and complications that must be considered.

Corneal cross-linking, for example, can cause temporary side effects such as corneal haze, swelling, and increased light sensitivity. There’s also a small risk of infection or corneal scarring, which could potentially worsen vision.

Corneal transplants carry more significant risks. These include rejection of the donor cornea, infection, glaucoma, cataracts, and issues with the stitches used to secure the new cornea. The recovery period can also be lengthy, often taking up to a year or more for vision to fully stabilize.

Intracorneal ring segments, while less invasive, may not fully correct vision and don’t stop the progression of keratoconus. Some patients may still need to wear glasses or contact lenses after the procedure.

Beyond the physical risks, there’s also the emotional toll to consider. The prospect of eye surgery can be daunting, causing anxiety and stress. And the recovery period, particularly for corneal transplants, can be a challenging time of adjustment.

Take, for example, the story of one of our EyeFreedom patients, John. After undergoing a corneal transplant, he faced a difficult recovery period filled with discomfort and uncertainty. It was only when he discovered non-surgical options like scleral lenses that he finally found a comfortable, effective solution for his keratoconus.

While surgical treatments can be a viable option for some, it’s crucial to explore all avenues and make an informed decision about your eye health. At EyeFreedom, we’re here to guide you on that journey, offering innovative, non-surgical solutions for keratoconus treatment.

Demystifying Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a condition that can feel like a mystery to those diagnosed with it. It’s a term that may be unfamiliar to many, but for those living with it, it’s a daily challenge. Let’s demystify keratoconus and shed light on this condition that affects the lives of many around the world.

Keratoconus is an eye disorder where the cornea, which is normally round, thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape. This cone shape deflects light as it enters the eye on its way to the light-sensitive retina, causing distorted vision.

The causes of keratoconus are still not entirely understood. It’s believed to occur due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors. Some research suggests that keratoconus may be linked to certain allergic conditions, such as eczema and asthma. It’s also more common in people with Down syndrome, although the reasons for this link are not clear.

Symptoms of keratoconus typically start to appear in the late teens or early twenties. These may include mild blurring and distortion of vision, increased sensitivity to light and glare, and frequent changes in eyeglass prescription. As the condition progresses, the cornea bulges and thins, leading to increased distortion of vision.

To truly understand the impact of keratoconus, let’s consider the story of Maria, a patient at EyeFreedom. Maria was an avid reader, but keratoconus made it increasingly difficult for her to enjoy her favorite pastime. The words on the page would appear distorted and blurry, making it a struggle to focus. She also found it challenging to drive at night due to increased light sensitivity.

After trying various treatments, Maria discovered scleral lenses, a non-surgical keratoconus treatment offered at EyeFreedom. These lenses provided her with clear, comfortable vision, allowing her to enjoy reading and driving once again.

Keratoconus is a complex condition, but with understanding and the right treatment, it doesn’t have to dictate your life. At EyeFreedom, we’re dedicated to providing innovative solutions that empower individuals with keratoconus to live their lives to the fullest.

The Power of Scleral Lenses

Scleral Lens over eye with keratoconus

This image shows a scleral lens over an eye with keratoconus. The lens vaults over the cone.

In the realm of eye care, few innovations have been as transformative as scleral lenses. These unique lenses have revolutionized the treatment of keratoconus, offering a non-surgical solution that can dramatically improve vision and quality of life.

Scleral lenses are large-diameter gas permeable contact lenses that rest on the sclera, the white part of the eye, and create a tear-filled vault over the cornea. This design allows scleral lenses to correct vision irregularities caused by keratoconus and other corneal disorders.

Unlike regular contact lenses, scleral lenses do not touch the cornea. Instead, they rest on the sclera and are filled with a saline solution before insertion. This creates a smooth optical surface that replaces the irregular corneal surface, resulting in clearer vision.

The mechanism of scleral lenses is truly remarkable. The liquid reservoir between the lens and the cornea not only aids in vision correction but also keeps the eye moist and comfortable, making scleral lenses an excellent choice for those with dry eye syndrome or sensitive eyes.

But where scleral lenses truly shine is in their transformative role in treating keratoconus. For many individuals living with this condition, scleral lenses have been nothing short of life-changing.

Consider the story of Alex, a patient at EyeFreedom. Alex had struggled with keratoconus for years, his vision deteriorating to the point where he could no longer drive or read without difficulty. He had tried various treatments, including traditional contact lenses, but nothing seemed to help.

Then Alex discovered scleral lenses. The difference was immediate and profound. With his new lenses, Alex could see clearly and comfortably for the first time in years. He could drive, read, and enjoy his daily activities without the constant struggle with his vision. For Alex, scleral lenses were more than just a treatment – they were a pathway to a better life.

At EyeFreedom, we believe in the power of scleral lenses. We’ve seen firsthand how they can transform lives, providing clear, comfortable vision to those living with keratoconus. If you or a loved one are struggling with keratoconus, we invite you to explore the potential of scleral lenses. It could be the first step on your journey to clearer vision and a better quality of life.

Meet the Scleral Lenses Expert: Dr. Edward Boshnick


In the world of optometry, few names are as synonymous with scleral lenses as Dr. Edward Boshnick. With over 30 years of experience in the field, Dr. Boshnick has dedicated his career to helping individuals regain their vision and improve their quality of life.

Dr. Boshnick’s journey began with a passion for helping others. After earning his degree in optometry, he set out to make a difference in the lives of those struggling with vision problems. Over the years, he has honed his skills and expanded his knowledge, becoming a recognized expert in the field of scleral lenses.

At his practice, EyeFreedom, Dr. Boshnick offers a range of innovative treatments for various eye conditions, including keratoconus. However, it’s his work with scleral lenses that has truly set him apart.

Dr. Boshnick’s expertise with scleral lenses is not just about technical knowledge. It’s about understanding the individual needs of each patient and providing personalized care. He believes that every patient is unique, and so too should be their treatment.

This personalized approach is evident in the success stories of his patients. From individuals who had struggled with keratoconus for years to those who had given up hope of ever seeing clearly again, Dr. Boshnick has helped countless patients regain their vision and their freedom.

But for Dr. Boshnick, it’s not just about improving vision. It’s about improving lives. He understands the impact that vision problems can have on a person’s quality of life, and he’s committed to providing solutions that go beyond just correcting vision. Through his work with scleral lenses, he’s helping individuals regain their confidence, their independence, and their joy in life.

If you’re struggling with keratoconus or another vision problem, Dr. Edward Boshnick and the team at EyeFreedom are here to help. With a commitment to personalized care and a passion for improving lives, they’re leading the way in non-surgical keratoconus treatment. Discover the difference that scleral lenses can make in your life today.

From Diagnosis to Transformation: The Treatment Process

The journey from keratoconus diagnosis to vision transformation is a unique one for each patient. It’s a journey that begins with understanding the condition and ends with a life-changing solution: scleral lenses. Let’s walk through this process step by step.


The first step in the journey is diagnosis. Keratoconus is typically diagnosed through a comprehensive eye exam. At EyeFreedom, Dr. Edward Boshnick and his team use advanced diagnostic tools like the Visante Optical Coherence Tomographer and the Cirrus Optical Coherence Tomographer to accurately diagnose keratoconus and assess its progression.

During the exam, Dr. Boshnick will evaluate the shape of your cornea and the clarity of your vision. He’ll also ask about any symptoms you’ve been experiencing, such as blurred or distorted vision, increased light sensitivity, or frequent changes in your eyeglass prescription. These symptoms, combined with the results of the eye exam, will help him make an accurate diagnosis.

Customizing Scleral Lenses

Once keratoconus has been diagnosed, the next step is to find the right treatment. For many patients, this means scleral lenses. But not just any scleral lenses – at EyeFreedom, each pair of lenses is customized to the individual patient’s eyes using advanced technologies like the EyePrint Pro and Wavefront Scleral Lenses.

The customization process begins with a detailed mapping of the eye’s surface. This information is then used to create a lens that perfectly matches the shape of the eye, ensuring a comfortable fit and clear vision.

The Fitting Process

The final step in the journey is the fitting process. This is where the magic truly happens. Dr. Boshnick will carefully fit the scleral lenses to your eyes, making any necessary adjustments to ensure a perfect fit. He’ll also provide detailed instructions on how to care for your lenses and your eyes, ensuring you get the most out of your new vision solution.

To truly understand the transformative power of this process, consider the story of Sarah, a patient at EyeFreedom. Sarah had struggled with keratoconus for years, her vision deteriorating to the point where she could no longer enjoy her favorite activities. But after being fitted with customized scleral lenses, Sarah’s world changed. She could see clearly for the first time in years, and she was able to return to the activities she loved.

The journey from keratoconus diagnosis to vision transformation is a powerful one. It’s a journey of hope, of innovation, and of life-changing results. At EyeFreedom, we’re honored to guide our patients on this journey, providing them with the solutions they need to see clearly and live fully.

Why Scleral Lenses are the Best Choice for Keratoconus

When it comes to treating keratoconus, scleral lenses stand out as a superior choice. These innovative lenses offer numerous benefits that make them an ideal solution for individuals living with this challenging eye condition.

Benefits of Scleral Lenses

Scleral lenses offer a level of comfort and visual clarity that is often unmatched by other treatment options. Because they vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, they create a smooth optical surface that can correct vision distortions caused by keratoconus. The liquid reservoir between the lens and the cornea also keeps the eye moist, which can be particularly beneficial for those with dry or sensitive eyes.

In addition, scleral lenses are custom-made for each patient’s unique eye shape, ensuring a comfortable fit and optimal vision correction. They are also stable on the eye, making them less likely to dislodge during physical activity.

Comparison with Other Treatments

While surgical treatments like corneal cross-linking or corneal transplants can help manage keratoconus, they come with potential risks and a lengthy recovery period. On the other hand, scleral lenses are a non-surgical treatment option that can provide immediate visual improvement without the risks associated with surgery.

Traditional contact lenses can also be used to treat keratoconus, but they often fail to provide the same level of comfort and visual clarity as scleral lenses. They may also move around on the eye, leading to discomfort and inconsistent vision.

Inspiring Stories of Vision Transformation

At EyeFreedom, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of scleral lenses. We’ve witnessed patients regain their ability to perform everyday tasks, return to their favorite hobbies, and most importantly, reclaim their independence.

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(Spanish) For many years this patient suffered blurred, distorted vision due to keratoconus. We recently fit both of this patient’s eyes with EyePrint scleral lenses that are allowing him to see clearly (20/20) and comfortably and without distortions.

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This young man has suffered with poor vision due to keratoconus for many years. 2 years ago we fit both of his eyes with computer designed scleral lenses which are providing him with clear (20/20) comfortable vision for the first time in many years.
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This patient has keratoconus in one eye and a transplanted cornea in the other eye. For many years he was unable to function visually. 8 years ago we fit both of his eyes with scleral lenses which are providing him with clear (20/20) comfortable vision with all day lens wearing comfort for the first time in many years.

Scleral lenses are more than just a treatment for keratoconus – they are a pathway to a better quality of life. If you or a loved one are living with keratoconus, we invite you to explore the potential of scleral lenses. At EyeFreedom, we’re here to guide you on your journey to clearer vision and a brighter future.


Living with keratoconus can be a challenging journey, filled with uncertainty and frustration. But it’s a journey that doesn’t have to be navigated alone. With the right treatment and care, you can regain your vision and reclaim your life. And that’s where scleral lenses come in.

Scleral lenses are more than just a treatment option – they’re a life-changing solution. These innovative lenses have the power to correct the vision distortions caused by keratoconus, providing clear, comfortable vision. They’re custom-made for each patient, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal vision correction. And most importantly, they offer hope – hope for a future where keratoconus doesn’t dictate your life.

At EyeFreedom, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of scleral lenses. We’ve witnessed patients regain their ability to perform everyday tasks, return to their favorite hobbies, and reclaim their independence. We’ve seen the joy in their eyes when they realize that clear vision is not just a dream, but a reality.

If you or a loved one are living with keratoconus, we encourage you to consider scleral lenses. Don’t let keratoconus hold you back from living your life to the fullest. There’s a world of clear vision waiting for you, and we’re here to help you reach it.

We invite you to take the first step on your journey to clearer vision. Contact us at EyeFreedom to schedule a consultation with Dr. Edward Boshnick. Let us guide you on your path to visual freedom, and discover the life-changing potential of scleral lenses.

Remember, keratoconus is a part of your life, but it doesn’t define you. With scleral lenses, you have the power to redefine your vision and your life. Take that first step today. Your journey to clearer vision starts here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is keratoconus and how does it affect vision?

    Keratoconus is an eye condition where the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape. This distortion deflects light as it enters the eye, causing blurred and distorted vision. You can learn more about keratoconus on our website.

  2. What are scleral lenses and how do they work?

    Scleral lenses are large-diameter gas permeable contact lenses that rest on the sclera, the white part of the eye, and create a tear-filled vault over the cornea. This design allows scleral lenses to correct vision irregularities caused by keratoconus and other corneal disorders. Find out more about scleral lenses here.

  3. How do scleral lenses compare to other keratoconus treatments?

    Scleral lenses offer several advantages over other keratoconus treatments. They provide immediate visual improvement without the risks associated with surgery, and they offer a level of comfort and visual clarity often unmatched by other treatment options.

  4. Are scleral lenses comfortable to wear?

    Yes, scleral lenses are designed to be comfortable for all-day wear. They rest on the sclera, avoiding the more sensitive cornea, and are filled with a saline solution that keeps the eye moist and comfortable.

  5. Who is Dr. Edward Boshnick and what is his experience with scleral lenses?

    Dr. Edward Boshnick is a leading optometrist with over 30 years of experience in the field. He specializes in the use of scleral lenses for the treatment of keratoconus and other eye conditions. You can learn more about Dr. Boshnick here.

  6. What is the process for getting fitted for scleral lenses at EyeFreedom?

    The process begins with a comprehensive eye exam and diagnosis. Then, using advanced technologies, a detailed map of the eye’s surface is created to customize the scleral lenses for each patient’s unique eye shape. The final step is the fitting process, where Dr. Boshnick ensures a perfect fit and provides detailed instructions on lens care.

  7. What are some success stories of patients who have used scleral lenses for keratoconus treatment?

    We’ve seen many patients experience life-changing improvements in their vision with scleral lenses. From being able to return to their favorite hobbies to regaining their independence, scleral lenses have made a significant impact. You can read some of these inspiring stories on our website.

  8. How can I schedule a consultation for scleral lenses at EyeFreedom?

    You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Edward Boshnick by contacting us through our website. We look forward to helping you on your journey to clearer vision.



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